“Gheorghe Asachi” University of Iaşi

The Department of Foreign Languages

Linguatek Centre for Communication and Applied Languages

have the pleasure of inviting you to the

1st International Conference on Discourse and Communicative Interaction - DISCI 2016



Phillip BOZOV, Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Ioana CREŢU, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi, Romania
Rodica DIMITRIU, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania
Lina DUBIKALTYTĖ RAUGALIENĖ, “Gedeminas” Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Felicia DUMAS, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania
Nicoleta-Mariana IFTIMIE, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iaşi, Romania
Mohammad Amin MOZAHEB, Imam Sadiq University Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Olivia-Cristina RUSU, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iaşi, Romania
Nicolas SAMSON, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iaşi, Romania


Nicoleta-Mariana Iftimie, Olivia-Cristina Rusu


Chair of Foreign Languages

Andreea Irina Chirculescu, Evagrina Dîrţu, Daniela Lucia Ene, Mariana Mantu, Mioara Mocanu, Doina Mihaela Popa, Nicolas Samson, Lucia-Alexandra Tudor


Our sincere gratitude to the following students from "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University, for their valuable help in the organization of the conference:

Marina Cătălina Romaşcu, Marina Luminiţa Buzilă, Corina-Cristina Croitoru - Ist year, http://www.tpmi.tuiasi.ro/;

Iuluis Seniuc, Andrei Turcea, Florin Duluţă - IVth year - http://www.mectuiasi.ro/en/;

Octavian-Andrei Fron (IIIrd year), Ioan Fedeleş, Alexandru Lână (IInd year) - http://www.cm.tuiasi.ro/?lang=en;

Dragoş Neagu, Ana Maria Dădăi, Constantin Postolache (Ist year) - http://www.etti.tuiasi.ro/en/index.php/en/.